The Royal Ranger: The Red Fox Clan

by John Flanagan (Author)

Book Cover for The Royal Ranger: The Red Fox Clan

   Book 2   
Pages: 352

After passing her third-year assessment as a ranger's apprentice, Maddie is called home to Castle Araluen. Forced to keep her ranger training a secret, Maddie feels trapped by the monotony of castle life and longs to find a way out. But there are whisperings of a new threat to the kingdom. The mysterious Red Fox Clan, a group of anarchists all donning fox masks, have threatened Castle Araluen and question Princess Cassandra and Madelyn's succession to the throne. Will they succeed in unseating Cassandra and Madelyn and take the throne for themselves?
Continuing the story of young apprentice, Maddie, and the student-turned-master, Will Treaty. The time has come for the next generation to assume the mantle and become protectors of the kingdom of Araluen.

Ranger's Apprentice: The Royal Ranger Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Ranger's Apprentice: The Royal Ranger
Reading level: 10+
Books in series: 7
Read in order? Yes
Next release: June 2024
Tags: action  adventure  medieval  fantasy  royalty 

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