We've tried to anticipate what you might want to know about the site and its content. If you have a question that's not answered here, please feel free to email it to us.

How do you determine age-suitability/reading level?

Age is an inexact measure of reading level as there is, of course, a broad range of reading ability within any given age group. Generally speaking, we rely on the publisher's recommendation, with some variation depending on personal experience. Many series are enjoyed across wide age groups, including by adults alike, hence the 'age+' ratings, rather than a limited age range. We would like to stress that 'reading level' is an approximate guide only and a parent or guardian should exercise their own judgement.

What are companion books?

Companion books are marked with a "+" sign in the series summary list. These books are not part of the main sequence of books within a given series or story-line, but augment the series with regard to its fictional world, character backgrounds, or side-stories. Companion books also include those with ancillary information, illustrated guides, hand books, e-novellas, and activity books for younger readers.

Why isn't my search returning any results?

The issue may relate to spelling, special characters, a slightly different order of wording—or even an entirely different book title! (Yes, books can have different titles in different countries!) First, try being less specific in your search; for example, instead of 'training your dragon', use 'train dragon' or simply, 'dragon'. Your search 'net' gets wider each time and will return more results. If you still can't find what you're looking for, try scrolling through the lists of series titles or author names, as shown on our Explore page. If we don't have the series on our site, please contact us so that we can add it.

Why don't you have the series I'm looking for?

Adding series and new books within series is a never-ending process! If you'd like a particular series added, please email us the series name, title of the first book in the series, and the author's name, and we'll add it as quickly as possible.

What is a book trailer?

A book trailer is not a movie trailer for a book that's been made into a movie. A book trailer is a book teaser—something like a visual version of the back cover blurb—and is typically about one minute long. It's designed to simply introduce the story, usually with a collection of still pictures, text and (not always) voice-over. The idea is to quickly engage potential readers, as the visual presentation is often more appealing than a back-cover blurb. Official book trailers are quite appropriate for viewing by the reader. A brilliant idea! Many enthusiastic book fans make trailers as well, and at times we use these when an official book trailer is not available—or then the fan-made one is better! You can see a list of series featuring book trailers by visiting our Explore page. Series with book trailers are indicated in any list by the video camera icon.