River Secrets

by Shannon Hale (Author)

Book Cover for River Secrets

   Book 3   
Pages: 290

Razo has no idea why he was chosen to be a soldier. He can barely swing a sword, and his brothers are forever wrestling him to the ground. Razo is sure it's out of pity that his captain asks him to join an elite mission—escorting the ambassador into Tira, Bayern's great enemy.

But when the Bayern arrive in the strange southern country, Razo discovers the first dead body. He befriends both the high and low born, people who can perhaps provide them with vital information. And Razo is the one who must embrace his own talents in order to get the Bayern soldiers home again, alive.

Newbery-Honor winner Shannon Hale returns the reader to the intrigue and magic of Bayern, first introduced in her critically acclaimed novel, The Goose Girl. Enter a world where even those with no special magical skills find in themselves something they never imagined.

Books of Bayern Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Books of Bayern
Reading level: 10+
Books in series: 4
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: fantasy  fairy tales  magic  adventure  royalty 

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Books in series order

1.   The Goose Girl  (2003)
2.   Enna Burning  (2004)
3.   River Secrets  (2006)
4.   Forest Born  (2009)