Pluto: A Wonder Story

by R.J. Palacio (Author)

Book Cover for Pluto: A Wonder Story

Companion book
Pages: 80

Pluto: A Wonder Story is an exclusive new short story told entirely from the point of view of Christopher, Auggie's oldest friend, and tells of Auggie's life before Beecher Prep.
Christopher was Auggie's best friend from the time they were babies until his family moved away; he was there through all of Auggie's surgeries and heartbreaks, through bad times and good – like Star Wars marathons and dreams of traveling to Pluto together.  Alternating between childhood flashbacks and the present day, an especially bad day for Christopher, Pluto is the story of two boys grown apart learning that good friendships are worth a little extra effort.

Wonder Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Wonder
Reading level: 9+
Books in series: 5
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: realistic fiction  illness & grief  friendship  school 

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Books in series order

1.   Wonder  (2012)
+   The Julian Chapter: A Wonder Story  (2014)
+   Pluto: A Wonder Story  (2015)
+   Shingaling: A Wonder Story  (2015)
+   365 Days of Wonder: Mr. Browne's Book of Precepts  (2014)