The Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppett

by Tom Angleberger (Author)

Book Cover for The Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppett

   Book 4   
Pages: 214

Origami Yoda has used his Jedi-wise advice to help the kids at McQuarrie Middle School conquer all sorts of enemies, from dull school dances to embarrassing water stains. But this semester, Dwight, Tommy, Sara, and the gang must face their deadliest enemy yet: the FunTime Education System. Meant to raise standardised test scores, the mind-numbing videos of Professor FunTime and his singing calculator are driving everybody crazy! And worse yet, to make time for FunTime, all electives – drama, art, band – have been cancelled!

Naturally, the kids turn to Origami Yoda for help, but he tells them that this enemy is far too strong for him to fight alone. If they want to get their favorite classes back, they must form a Rebel Alliance. Soon dozens of kids, each with his or her own origami puppet, join the Alliance. But will the Force be with them—or will they be defeated by the FunTime menace?

Origami Yoda Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Origami Yoda
Reading level: 8+
Books in series: 7
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: comedy & humour  school  fantasy  cartoon 

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