Tom Angleberger

Photo of Tom Angleberger
Tom Angleberger is an artist-turned-writer, author of the middle grade series Origami Yoda. He is a columnist for the Roanoke Times in Roanoke, Virginia, and began work on his first book while in middle school. His other previous occupations include: newspaper reporter; juggler; weed boy; lawn mower part assembler; and biology research assistant (bug larvae and plant diseases).

His inspirations for the Origami Yoda series include Star Wars (of course), Fumiaki Kawahata and Daniel Pinkwater. Tom is married to author-illustrator Cece Bell. Together they live in Christianburg, Virginia.

Author's Comment: I’m not necessarily all that creative. I’m more of a puzzle putter together. I take all these little puzzle pieces — Yoda, middle school problems, Cheetos — and I fuss and fuss with them until I fit them together.

Nationality: American

Featured series by Tom Angleberger

Origami Yoda - Age 8 & up