Osbert the Avenger
by Christopher William Hill (Author)
Meet Osbert Brinkhoff, the unlikeliest of avengers. His is a tale of dark delights and ghastly goings-on, of injustice and revenge. The villains are vicious. The settings are sinister. And good does NOT always prevail . . .
Tales from Schwartzgarten Series—Summary and Book Order
Series: Tales from SchwartzgartenReading level: 10+
Books in series: 4
Read in order? No
Next release: -Finished
Tags: comedy & humour mystery adventure
Print series book list
Books in series order
1. Osbert the Avenger (2012)2. The Woebegone Twins (2013)
3. The Lily-Livered Prince (2014)
4. Marius and the Band of Blood (2015)