Katie's Big Match

by Holly Webb (Author)

Book Cover for Katie's Big Match

   Book 5   
Pages: 144

Meet the Ryan triplets - in theory they're identical, but in reality, you couldn't find three more different girls if you tried... Katie's been selected for the school girls' football team, and she's over the moon! If only Dad could be here to see her make it to the league final... Katie knows she has to focus on the next crucial game. But then disaster strikes...

Triplets Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Triplets
Reading level: 7+
Books in series: 7
Read in order? No
Next release: Finished
Tags: girls  family  realistic fiction 

 Print series book list

Books in series order

1.   Annabel's Perfect Party  (2004)
2.   Annabel's Starring Role  (2004)
3.   Becky's Problem Pet  (2004)
4.   Becky's Terrible Term  (2004)
5.   Katie's Big Match  (2004)
6.   Becky's Dress Disaster  (2005)
7.   Katie's Secret Admirer  (2005)