The Triplets Series

by Holly Webb (Author)

Book Cover for the Triplets Series
Reading level: Ages 7 and up
Books in series: 7
Read in order: No
Next book: Finished
Tags: girls  family  realistic fiction 

Meet the Ryan triplets, three girls who look identical, but who couldn't be more different! Becky is sensitive and shy, with a soft spot for furry friends; Annabel is sparkly, super-girly and seriously scatty; and Katie is feisty, fun-loving and football mad.

Triplets Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. Annabel's Perfect Party  (2004)
2. Annabel's Starring Role  (2004)
3. Becky's Problem Pet  (2004)
4. Becky's Terrible Term  (2004)
5. Katie's Big Match  (2004)
6. Becky's Dress Disaster  (2005)
7. Katie's Secret Admirer  (2005)