Secret Army

by Robert Muchamore (Author)

Book Cover for Secret Army

   Book 3   
Pages: 378

Britain, 1941. The government is building a secret army of intelligence agents to work undercover, gathering information and planning sabotage operations.

Henderson's boys are part of that network: kids cut adrift by the war, training for the fight of their lives. They'll have to parachute into unknown territory, travel cross-country and outsmart a bunch of adults in a daredevil exercise. In wartime Britain, anything goes...

Henderson's Boys Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Henderson's Boys
Reading level: 14+
Books in series: 7
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: spy  action  adventure  mystery  historical  war 

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Books in series order

1.   The Escape  (2009)
2.   Eagle Day  (2009)
3.   Secret Army  (2010)
4.   Grey Wolves  (2011)
5.   The Prisoner  (2012)
6.   One Shot Kill  (2012)
7.   Scorched Earth  (2013)