The General

by Robert Muchamore (Author)

Book Cover for The General

   Book 10   
Pages: 352

The world's largest urban warfare training compound stands in the desert near Las Vegas. Forty British commandos are being hunted by an entire American batallion.

But their commander has an ace up his sleeve: he plans to smuggle in ten CHERUB agents and fight the best war game ever!

Cherub Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Cherub
Reading level: 14+
Books in series: 13
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: spy  action  adventure  mystery  crime 

 Print series book list

Books in series order

1.   The Recruit  (2004)
2.   Class A  (2004)
3.   Maximum Security  (2005)
4.   The Killing  (2005)
5.   Divine Madness  (2006)
6.   Man vs. Beast  (2006)
7.   The Fall  (2007)
8.   Mad Dogs  (2007)
9.   The Sleepwalker  (2008)
10.   The General  (2008)
11.   Brigands M.C.  (2009)
12.   Shadow Wave  (2010)
+   Dark Sun  (2008)