I Heart You, Archie de Souza

by Chrissie Keighery (Author)

Book Cover for I Heart You, Archie de Souza

   Book 2   
Pages: 160

Edi lives a weird double life. At school, it seems like everyone loves her, but at home, her parents barely notice she exists - except when her marks aren't good enough.

So when Edi hooks up with her crush Archie, she can hardly believe her luck. Archie is super cute, and his family are the exact opposite to hers - warm and welcoming. Edi finally has the family she's always wanted and she loves Archie more than anything. But does Archie feel the same way?

Girl V the World Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Girl V the World
Reading level: 12+
Books in series: 7
Read in order? No
Next release: Finished
Tags: friendship  family  romance  school  comedy & humour  realistic fiction 

 Print series book list

Books in series order

1.   Waiting For It  (2012)
2.   I Heart You, Archie de Souza  (2012)
3.   Things I Don't Know  (2012)
4.   It's Not Me, It's You  (2012)
5.   Invisible Me  (2013)
6.   How to Boost Your Profile  (2013)
7.   Holy Crushamoly  (2013)