The Little Legends Series

by Tom Percival (Author/Illustrator)

Book Cover for the Little Legends Series
Reading level: Ages 6 and up
Books in series: 6
Read in order: No
Next book: Finished
Tags: fairy tales  fantasy  adventure  magic  first chapter books  illustrated 

Haven't you ever wondered what Little Red Riding Hood got up to after that whole wolf incident? How did Jack spend his time after picking up all those bits and pieces of beanstalk and giant from the garden? Do trolls really like living under bridges?

Perfect for emerging readers with a taste for adventure, Little Legends tells the ongoing fairy tale escapades of some of the most famous characters in history including Little Red Riding Hood, Jack (of beanstalk fame) and Rapunzel. Dive into a mysterious world where the air crackles with magic and rejoin your very oldest friends on a host of brand new adventures.

Little Legends Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. The Spell Thief  (2016)
2. The Great Troll Rescue  (2016)
3. The Genie's Curse  (2016)
4. The Magic Looking Glass  (2016)
5. The Secret Mountain  (2017)
6. The Story Tree  (2017)