The Girl V the World Series

by Various Authors

Book Cover for the Girl V the World Series
Reading level: Ages 12 and up
Books in series: 7
Read in order: No
Next book: Finished
Tags: friendship  family  romance  school  comedy & humour  realistic fiction 

There's a reason that the number thirteen is bad luck... Sometimes it sucks to be thirteen!

No-one escapes thirteen unscathed - not even the best-looking, most popular people with the straightest teeth and shiniest hair. The best you can do is be true to yourself, even when everything's changing.

Girl v the World is a funny, inspiring and heartwarming new series about thirteen-year-old girls taking on the world. Because you've got to be strong to take it on.

It's a collection of age-appropriate stories for the 'forgotten' girls - the girls who have been pushed up from middle fiction straight into paranormal romance. The authors address first kisses, friendship dynamics and bullying in an accessible and non-patronising way - which is a refreshing change for this age group, who feel like nobody seems to 'get them' anymore.

Girl V the World Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. Waiting For It  (2012)
2. I Heart You, Archie de Souza  (2012)
3. Things I Don't Know  (2012)
4. It's Not Me, It's You  (2012)
5. Invisible Me  (2013)
6. How to Boost Your Profile  (2013)
7. Holy Crushamoly  (2013)