The Floods Series

by Colin Thompson (Author and Illustrator)

Book Cover for the Floods Series
Reading level: Ages 8 and up
Books in series: 15
Read in order: No
Next book: Finished
Tags: comedy & humour  magic  family  illustrated 

The Floods are a family of Wizards and Witches. The parents, Nerlin and Mordonna, have seven children, some of whom were not created in the traditional way like you and me, but were made in the cellar underneath their house, using incredible mystical powers, a set of very shiny 'Jamie Oliver' saucepans and a small chemistry set.

The Floods may bury relatives in their backyard, grow cobwebs in every room, and eat slugs for breakfast, but this loving family of wizards and witches could live in your town, or even right next door! They're spooky and weird and very funny, too!

Floods Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. Neighbours  (2005)
2. Playschool  (2006)
3. Home and Away  (2006)
4. Survivor  (2007)
5. Prime Suspect  (2007)
6. The Great Outdoors  (2008)
7. Top Gear  (2008)
8. Better Homes and Gardens  (2009)
9. Who Wants to Be a Billionaire?  (2010)
10. Lost  (2011)
11. Disasterchef  (2012)
12. Bewitched  (2013)
13. The Royal Family  (2014)
+ Family Files  (2012)
+ The Amazing Illustrated Floodsopedia  (2013)