The Keepers Trilogy Series

by Lian Tanner (Author)

Book Cover for the Keepers Trilogy Series
Reading level: Ages 11 and up
Books in series: 3
Read in order: No
Next book: Finished
Tags: fantasy  adventure  action  dystopian  mystery 

Welcome to the tyrannical city of Jewel, where impatience is a sin and boldness is a crime.

Goldie Roth has lived here all her life. Like every child in the city, she wears a silver guardchain and is forced to obey the dreaded Blessed Guardians. She has never done anything by herself and won't be allowed out on the streets unchained until Separation Day.

When Separation Day is cancelled, impatient Goldie runs away to the mysterious Museum of Dunt, where she meets a boy named Toadspit and discovers dangerous secrets. Only a thief can navigate these corridors - luckily Goldie has a hidden talent. But the leader of the Blessed Guardians has his own plans for the museum - plans that threaten the lives of everyone Goldie loves. And it will take a daring thief to stop him...

'Museum of Thieves' is a thrilling tale of destiny and danger, and of a courageous girl who has never been allowed to grow up - until now.

Keepers Trilogy Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. Museum of Thieves  (2010)
2. City of Lies  (2011)
3. Path of Beasts  (2012)