The Cherub 2: Aramov Series

by Robert Muchamore (Author)

Book Cover for the Cherub 2: Aramov Series
Reading level: Ages 14 and up
Books in series: 4
Read in order: Yes
Next book: Finished
Tags: spy  action  adventure  mystery  crime 


Ryan Sharma is the newest recruit to CHERUB. Twelve years old, just out of basic training and as green as grass. He's been waiting for a mission since he passed basic training eight months ago, and now he's got his chance. Ryan's first mission: befriending Ethan Aramov, a spoilt rich kid living in California whose grandmother just happens to run a billion-dollar criminal empire.

Ryan expects to enjoy the California lifestyle in a routine operation. But he's in for a shock, as his mission starts turning into one of the biggest in CHERUB history.

Cherub 2: Aramov Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. The People's Republic  (2011)
2. Guardian Angel  (2012)
3. Black Friday  (2013)
4. Lone Wolf  (2014)