The Alana Dancing Star Series

by Arlene Phillips (Author)

Book Cover for the Alana Dancing Star Series
Reading level: Ages 7 and up
Books in series: 6
Read in order: No
Tags: girls  dancing  illustrated  magic 

Alana Dancing Star is about an energetic girl named, Alana, who's just crazy about dancing! Travel with Alana as she journeys through different genres of dance. The series covers Ballroom Dance, Samba, Hip-Hop, Bollywood, Broadway and Tango. Just the books for anyone who loves dancing!

Alana Dancing Star Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. Samba Spectacular  (2010)
2. LA Moves  (2010)
3. Viennese Waltz  (2011)
4. Bollywood Dreams  (2011)
5. Stage Sensation  (2011)
6. Twilight Tango  (2011)