Ivy and Bean Make the Rules

by Annie Barrows (Author) Sophie Blackall (Illustrator)

Book Cover for Ivy and Bean Make the Rules

   Book 9   
Pages: 132
It's Spring Break, and Bean's older sister, Nancy, is going to Girl Power 4-Ever Camp, where she will do crafts and dancing and learn first aid and other secret things that Bean will never know about because you have to be eleven to go to Girl Power 4-Ever Camp. Bean doesn't care. She doesn't want to go to camp. She wouldn't go even if they begged her. So ha. So ha ha. So - wait just a second! Bean and Ivy can make their own camp, their own better camp. It's Camp Flaming Arrow, where crafts include escaping, dancing includes thumbtacks, first aid includes zombies, and counsellors Ivy and Bean make the rules.

Ivy and Bean Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Ivy and Bean
Reading level: 6+
Books in series: 10
Read in order? No
Next release: Finished
Tags: illustrated  comedy & humour  adventure  friendship  first chapter books 

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