
by Erin Hunter (Author)

Book Cover for Twilight

   Book 5   
Pages: 336
New territory brings new troubles for the fierce cats of the warrior Clans, who are still uncovering the secrets of their new home around the lake. Dangers they have never faced before are lurking in the twilight shadows, and former allies are acting strangely hostile.

As divisions between the Clans grow deeper, Firestar's daughters face troubling decisions. One is torn between loyalty to her calling and a forbidden love, while the other struggles with her best friend's betrayal and the surprising perils of the forest. The choices they make now could affect ThunderClan for generations to come...and with an unexpected enemy preparing to attack, their courage and strength will be needed more than ever if the Clan is to survive.

Warriors: The New Prophecy Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Warriors: The New Prophecy
Reading level: 10+
Books in series: 6
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: animal  fantasy  action  adventure  myth & legend 

 Print series book list

Books in series order

1.   Midnight  (2005)
2.   Moonrise  (2005)
3.   Dawn  (2006)
4.   Starlight  (2006)
5.   Twilight  (2006)
6.   Sunset  (2007)