The Door in the Moon

by Catherine Fisher (Author)

Book Cover for The Door in the Moon

   Book 3   
Pages: 352

Only the Obsidian Mirror can save a life, change the past, or rescue the future.

It's Midsummer Night. It's hot. And everyone in Wintercombe Alley is dreaming strange and disturbing dreams—until Jake and Sarah are swept through the Obsidian Mirror and time itself into a nightmare world of revolution and murder. Meanwhile, Oberon Venn faces a choice between staying mortal or losing his soul in the tangled green wildwood of the faerie realm. Catherine Fisher, master of world-building and plot twists—from a masked ball to a desperate struggle at the very foot of the guillotine—continues the breathtaking and dangerous search for those who Time has snatched away.

Chronoptika (Obsidian Mirror) Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Chronoptika (Obsidian Mirror)
Reading level: 11+
Books in series: 4
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: fantasy  time travel  mystery  fairies  adventure  science fiction  historical 

 Print series book list

Books in series order

1.   The Obsidian Mirror  (2012)
2.   The Box of Red Brocade (The Slanted Worlds)  (2013)
3.   The Door in the Moon  (2015)
4.   The Speed of Darkness  (2016)