The Shadow in the North

by Philip Pullman (Author)

Book Cover for The Shadow in the North

   Book 2   
Pages: 360

Sally is now 22, and running her own financial consultancy – a thoroughly modern woman in a world of pompous men – but she's about to be thrown headlong into a vicious web of murder, mystery and pure evil.

When a client's lost investment appears suspicious, Sally investigates. Soon she is ensnared in a whirl of high-society danger and deceit, which can lead her in only one direction – to the terrifying secret of the Shadow in the North.

Sally Lockhart Mysteries Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Sally Lockhart Mysteries
Reading level: 12+
Books in series: 4
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: historical  mystery  crime  adventure  suspense 

 Print series book list

Books in series order

1.   The Ruby in the Smoke  (1985)
2.   The Shadow in the North  (1986)
3.   The Tiger in the Well  (1990)
4.   The Tin Princess  (1994)