The First Four Years

by Laura Ingalls Wilder (Author)

Book Cover for The First Four Years

   Book 8   
Pages: 160

Laura Ingalls Wilder is beginning life with her new husband, Almanzo, in their own little house. Laura is a young pioneer wife now, and must work hard with Almanzo, farming the land around their home on the South Dakota prairie.

Soon their baby daughter, Rose, is born, and the young family face the hardships and triumphs encountered by so many American pioneers. And so Laura Ingalls Wilder's adventure as a little pioneer girl ends, and her new life as a pioneer woman begins.

Little House Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Little House
Reading level: 8+
Books in series: 9
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: classic  historical  culture  family  adventure  nature 

 Print series book list

Books in series order

1.   Little House in the Big Woods  (1932)
2.   Little House on the Prairie  (1935)
3.   On the Banks of Plum Creek  (1937)
4.   By the Shores of Silver Lake  (1939)
5.   The Long Winter  (1940)
6.   Little Town on the Prairie  (1941)
7.   These Happy Golden Years  (1943)
8.   The First Four Years  (1953)
+   Farmer Boy  (1933)