Little House in the Big Woods

by Laura Ingalls Wilder (Author)

Book Cover for Little House in the Big Woods

   Book 1   
Pages: 198

Wolves and panthers and bears roam the deep Wisconsin woods in the late 1870's. In those same woods, Laura lives with Pa and Ma, and her sisters, Mary and Baby Carrie, in a snug little house built of logs. Pa hunts and traps. Ma makes her own cheese and butter. All night long, the wind howls lonesomely, but Pa plays the fiddle and sings, keeping the family safe and cozy.

Little House Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Little House
Reading level: 8+
Books in series: 9
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: classic  historical  culture  family  adventure  nature 

 Print series book list

Books in series order

1.   Little House in the Big Woods  (1932)
2.   Little House on the Prairie  (1935)
3.   On the Banks of Plum Creek  (1937)
4.   By the Shores of Silver Lake  (1939)
5.   The Long Winter  (1940)
6.   Little Town on the Prairie  (1941)
7.   These Happy Golden Years  (1943)
8.   The First Four Years  (1953)
+   Farmer Boy  (1933)