The Silver Blade

by Sally Gardner (Author)

Book Cover for The Silver Blade

   Book 2   
Pages: 368

The year is 1794. With his beloved Sido safely in England and the Reign of Terror at its height, mysterious Yann returns to revolutionary France to smuggle out aristocratic refugees who will otherwise face the guillotine. But while the two are apart, Yann's Gypsy origins prejudice Sido's guardian against their marriage, thwarting their longed-for reunion. When Sido is kidnapped under strange circumstances, however, Yann must use all his strength and courage to outwit the evil Count Kalliovski, rescue Sido, and help save all of France.

As she did in The Red Necklace and the award-winning I, Coriander, Sally Gardner spins an epic tale that combines a vivid sense of history, characters full of Dickensian drama and fascination, and a sizzling adventure with touches of magic and romance.

French Revolution Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: French Revolution
Reading level: 12+
Books in series: 2
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: historical  adventure  war  romance  mystery 

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Books in series order

1.   The Red Necklace  (2007)
2.   The Silver Blade  (2008)