The Adventures of Nanny Piggins

by R.A. Spratt (Author)

Book Cover for The Adventures of Nanny Piggins

   Book 1   
Pages: 256

It all starts when Nanny Piggins (the world's most glamorous flying pig) runs away from the circus and goes to live with the Greens as their nanny. The Green children, Derrick, Samantha and Michael, fall in love with her instantly. Who could not fall in love with a Nanny whose only job qualifications are her astonishing ability to be fired out of a cannon and her amazing ability to make chocolate cake, sometimes both at the same time?

Then they have some wonderful adventures together. I won't spoil them for you by listing them all here but, suffice to say, they do include catching a serial door knob thief, hiding a 10 foot dancing bear in the basement and being lost at sea en route to China.

Nanny Piggins Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Nanny Piggins
Reading level: 8+
Books in series: 9
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: comedy & humour  animals  adventure  family  fantasy 

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