R.A. Spratt

R.A. Spratt lives in Sydney with her husband, their two daughters and several goldfish. She used to enjoy bellringing, hapkido and long distance running. But then she had two children has rarely left the house since. She is currently working full-time on the popular 'Nanny Piggins' series. Unlike Nanny Piggins, she has never willingly been blasted out of a cannon.
Author's Comment: Q: What did you want to be when you were twelve, eighteen and thirty?
A: At twelve I wanted to be a brilliant research scientist. At eighteen I wanted to be a brilliant film director. And at thirty I wanted to write the greatest ever book about a flying pig who runs away from the circus to become a nanny.
Q: What do you hope people take away with them after reading your work?
A: Abdominal muscle tears from so much laughing. An annoying habit of quoting Nanny Piggins' words of wisdom. And a burning desire to buy my next book.
Nationality: Australian