Tristan Bancks

Photo of Tristan Bancks
Tristan Bancks is a children's and YA author with a background in acting and filmmaking. His books include the My Life series, Mac Slater and Two Wolves (also published as On the Run in the US). Two Wolves won Honour Book Award in the 2015 Children's Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Awards and was shortlisted for the Prime Minister's Literary Awards. It also won the YABBA and KOALA Children's Choice Awards.

Tristan's short films as writer and director have won a number of awards and have screened widely in festivals and on TV. His most recent book is My Life & Other Exploding Chickens, a fourth book of weird-funny-gross, semi-autobiographical short stories. Tristan is excited by the future of storytelling and inspiring others to create.

Author's Comment:

What do you hope people take away with them after reading your work?

Galactic Adventures: A sense of the importance of resilience, resourcefulness, bravery.

My Life and Other Stuff I Made Up: The value of creativity, storytelling and believing in your own ideas. Also, never to eat Vegemite off your sister's big toe

Nationality: Australian

Featured series by Tristan Bancks

Tom Weekly - Age 9 & up
Mac Slater - Age 10 & up