Kate Forsyth

Her books for adults include The Wild Girl, the love story of Wilhelm Grimm and Dortchen Wild, the young woman who told him many of the world's most famous fairy tales; Bitter Greens, a retelling of the Rapunzel fairytale; and the bestselling fantasy series Witches of Eileanan. Her books for children include The Gypsy Crown, The Puzzle Ring, and The Starkin Crown.
Kate is currently studying a doctorate in fairytale retellings at the University of Technology, Sydney. Her favourite things to do are to read, write, swim in the sea, walk in the country, and travel the world with her family. She also loves working in her garden, listening to music, dancing and hearing other writers talk.
Author's Comment: It doesn’t matter what is happening to you in your own life – whether you are sick or sad or lonely – books are a magical gateway to other worlds and other times. For a while you walk around in someone else’s shoes, and you travel their journey of discovery with them. When you come back to your own body, in your own place and time, you have changed. You have grown. So books are a true kind of magic.
Nationality: Australian