Meredith Badger

Meredith Badger is the author of several children's book series including 'Fairy School Dropout', 'Go Girl!' and 'Tweenie Genie.' She has recently contributed a book to the 'Girl V the World' young adult series as well.
More recently, Meredith won the 2012 Gold Inky Award for her young adult novel 'Shift', written under the pseudonym Em Bailey, which has been described as a "...chilling psychological thriller that tears through themes of identity, loss, and toxic friendship."
Author's Comment: Q: What did you want to be when you were twelve, eighteen and thirty? And why?
A: I'm not sure what my ambitions were at twelve but at five I wanted to be a tight rope walker - because I thought this meant I would get to wear a tutu and carry a frilly pink parasol. I was heavily into frilly pink things at the time you see. At eighteen I wanted to be an artist because by then I'd moved on to wearing black and looking serious. By thirty - after way too many years at art school - I realised that what I actually wanted to be was a writer.
Nationality: Australian