The Alex Rider Series

by Anthony Horowitz (Author)

Book Cover for the Alex Rider Series
Reading level: Ages 11 and up
Books in series: 15
Read in order: Yes
Next book: Finished
Tags: spy  mystery  action  adventure 

Alex Rider is a series of spy novels about a 14-year-old spy named Alex Rider. Raised by his uncle, Ian Rider, Alex travelled widely throughout the UK, Europe and the Americas, learning special skills such as rock climbing, scuba diving, and foreign languages. His unique set of skills and aptitude for languages made him uniquely placed to work as a spy, and he's recruited by Britain's MI6 to help them with unique missions. Inspired by the James Bond character - but about a much cooler young spy!

Note: Books in this series are also available as graphic novels.

Alex Rider Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. Stormbreaker  (2000)
2. Point Blanc  (2001)
3. Skeleton Key  (2002)
4. Eagle Strike  (2003)
5. Scorpia  (2004)
6. Ark Angel  (2005)
7. Snakehead  (2007)
8. Crocodile Tears  (2009)
9. Scorpia Rising  (2011)
10. Russian Roulette: The Story of an Assassin  (2014)
11. Never Say Die  (2017)
12. Nightshade  (2020)
+ Gadgets  (2005)
+ The Mission Files  (2004)
+ Secret Weapon: Seven Untold Adventures From the Life of a Teenaged Spy  (2019)