The Fallen Series

by Lauren Kate (Author)

Book Cover for the Fallen Series
Reading level: Ages 12 and up
Books in series: 5
Read in order: Yes
Next book: Finished
Tags: paranormal  fantasy  romance  myth & legend  illness & grief 

Seventeen-Year-Old Luce is a new student at Sword & Cross, an unwelcoming boarding/reform school in Savannah, Georgia. Luce's boyfriend died under suspicious circumstances, and now she carries the guilt over his death with her as she navigates the unfriendly halls at Sword & Cross, where every student seems to have an unpleasant - even evil - history. It's only when she sees Daniel that her life looks a little better. But Daniel has a secret which will put their lives in danger...

Fallen Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. Fallen  (2009)
2. Torment  (2010)
3. Passion  (2011)
4. Rapture  (2012)
+ Fallen in Love  (2012)