The Obernewtyn Chronicles Series

by Isobelle Carmody (Author)

Book Cover for the Obernewtyn Chronicles Series
Reading level: Ages 13 and up
Books in series: 7
Read in order: Yes
Next book: Finished
Tags: fantasy  adventure  science fiction  paranormal  epic fantasy  post-apocalyptic 

The Obernewtyn Chronicles is a science fiction and fantasy series set in a post apocalyptic world, long after a global nuclear holocaust, called the 'Great White', has scourged the land. There are no machines, cars, computers, or planes, and in their place are horses and carts. Modern technology and information have been lost. The 'Great White' didn't only bring a reign of primitive technology: it brought mutants, those with extrasensory powers. A new government - the Council - orders these mutants, called Misfits, to be burned, and has appointed a religious authority, the Herder Faction, to hunt them down. This is the world that orphaned mutant teen Elspeth Gordie lives in. The novels deal with themes of responsibility, duty, prejudice, discrimination, tolerance, and human and animal rights.

Obernewtyn Chronicles Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. Obernewtyn  (1987)
2. The Farseekers  (1990)
3. Ashling  (1995)
4. The Keeping Place  (1999)
5. The Stone Key  (2008)
6. The Sending  (2011)
7. The Red Queen  (2015)