The Magykal World of Todhunter Moon Series

by Angie Sage (Author)

Book Cover for the Magykal World of Todhunter Moon Series
Reading level: Ages 9 and up
Books in series: 3
Read in order: Yes
Next book: Finished
Tags: fantasy  magic  adventure  paranormal 

Seven years after the events of the original Septimus Heap series, a young PathFinder named Alice TodHunter Moon – who insists on being called Tod – sets out from her seaside village to rescue her friend Ferdie from the malevolent Lady.

She receives help from ExtraOrdinary Wizard Septimus Heap and Ex–ExtraOrdinary Wizard Marcia Overstrand, but the Lady’s brother, the Darke Sorcerer Oraton-Marr, has a plan that will put everyone Tod holds dear in danger. To save her people, Tod must embrace her identity as a PathFinder and navigate the often dangerous Ancient Ways.

Full of Angie Sage’s characteristic humor and heart, the TodHunter Moon series celebrates the joy of discovering one’s own personal Magyk, and of choosing the path that lets that Magyk flourish and grow – perfect for anyone who can’t get enough of the world of Septimus Heap!

Magykal World of Todhunter Moon Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. PathFinder  (2014)
2. SandRider  (2015)
3. StarChaser  (2016)