The Snow-Walker Trilogy Series

by Catherine Fisher (Author)

Book Cover for the Snow-Walker Trilogy Series
Reading level: Ages 11 and up
Books in series: 3
Read in order: Yes
Next book: Finished
Tags: adventure  magic  mystery  myth & legend 

From the swirling mists and icy depths beyond the edge of the world came the snow-walker Gudrun, to rule the Jarl's people with fear and sorcery. But a small band of outlaws are prepared to risk their lives to defeat Gudrun and restore the land to its rightful leader. This trilogy follows them in their quest, from the first terrifying journey to meet the mysterious snow-walker's son, to the final battle in the lands beyond the rainbow bridge...

Note: This series is more readily available in the single volume published as, The Snow-Walker Trilogy.

Snow-Walker Trilogy Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. The Snow-Walker's Son  (1994)
2. The Empty Hand  (1995)
3. The Soul Thieves  (1996)