The Audrey of the Outback Series

by Christine Harris (Author) Ann James (Illustrator)

Book Cover for the Audrey of the Outback Series
Reading level: Ages 7 and up
Books in series: 3
Read in order: No
Next book: Finished
Tags: adventure  historical  family  friendship  girls  illustrated 

Audrey is a 1930s outback girl—determined, mischievous, imaginative and inquisitive, a combination that will have every girl in the country wishing she lived in the outback! Follow Audrey, along with her family and friends through her adventures.

Note: The character of Audrey makes an appearance in another historical novel by this author, Outback: The Diary of Jimmy Porter.

Audrey of the Outback Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. Audrey of the Outback  (2008)
2. Audrey Goes to Town  (2009)
3. Audrey's Big Secret  (2009)