The Comeback Kids Series

by Mike Lupica (Author)

Book Cover for the Comeback Kids Series
Reading level: Ages 8 and up
Books in series: 5
Read in order: Yes
Next book: Finished
Tags: sport  boys  family  friendship  school 

The Comeback Kids is a series of five separate stories about five boys for whom sport is almost everything. Jake loves to play soccer; Chris is passionate about football; Zach and Pedro live for basketball; and Nick wants to belong on the baseball field. In differing ways, all the boys discover that rarely is the desire to play free from outside factors—factors such as friendships, peer group and family pressures, and the challenges of performing well in a sport you love.

Comeback Kids Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. Two-Minute Drill  (2007)
2. Hot Hand!  (2007)
3. Safe at Home  (2008)
4. Long Shot  (2008)
5. Shoot-Out  (2010)