The Children of the Lamp Series

by P.B. Kerr (Author)

Book Cover for the Children of the Lamp Series
Reading level: Ages 10 and up
Books in series: 7
Read in order: No
Next book: Finished
Tags: magic  adventure  culture  myth & legend 

John and Phillipa Gaunt are 12-year-old twins. Ordinary human children, they believe, until the discovery that they're actually descended from a long line of djinn - commonly known as genies - and are now in possession of great magical powers.

But djinn-magic is tricky and dangerous, and their new-found skills must be controlled. Fortunately, their eccentric uncle, Nimrod is on hand to teach them. All too soon, however, John and Phillipa are thrown into the first of their many extraordinary adventures. Travelling to far-reaching and unknown places in the world, the twins use their wits and magic powers to prevent disaster, solve mysteries and battle the plans of evil djinns.

Children of the Lamp Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. The Akhenaten Adventure  (2004)
2. The Blue Djinn of Babylon  (2006)
3. The Cobra King of Kathmandu  (2006)
4. The Day of the Djinn Warriors  (2007)
5. The Eye Of The Forest  (2009)
6. The Five Fakirs of Faizabad  (2010)
7. The Grave Robbers of Genghis Khan  (2011)