The Last Dragon Chronicles (The Fire Within) Series

by Chris d'Lacey (Author)

Book Cover for the Last Dragon Chronicles (The Fire Within) Series
Reading level: Ages 11 and up
Books in series: 7
Read in order: Yes
Next book: Finished
Tags: dragon  fantasy  magic  mystery  myth & legend 

The Last Dragon Chronicles follows the adventures of David Rain and his quests to save the tear of the last dragon, Gawain, and protect dragonkind.

David discovers a collection of hand crafted, clay dragons that comes to life and has magical powers. His personalized dragon, Gadzooks, can forecast the future, and inspires him to write a story which reveals the truth behind an unsolved mystery close to home.

Note: This series is also called, The Fire Within.

Last Dragon Chronicles (The Fire Within) Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. The Fire Within  (2001)
2. Icefire  (2003)
3. Fire Star  (2005)
4. The Fire Eternal  (2007)
5. Dark Fire  (2009)
6. Fire World  (2011)
7. The Fire Ascending  (2012)