The Octavius O'Malley Series

by Alan Sunderland (Author) Ben Redlich (Illustrator)

Book Cover for the Octavius O'Malley Series
Reading level: Ages 8 and up
Books in series: 3
Read in order: Yes
Next book: Finished
Tags: mystery  comedy & humour  action  animals  illustrated 

Inspector O'Malley is strange because he has fur, and a tail, and long whiskers. In a mixed-up world of rats, mice and people, crime can be a complicated matter at the best of times, but this is certainly not the best of times. Praise for Alan Sunderland's Octavius O'Malley books: 'A fast-paced mystery laced with humour and delightful illustrations' - Good Reading. 'Gripping, warm, thrilling and suspenseful' - Reading Time. 'Compulsive reading' - Magpies. 'Filled with action, humour and amusing black and white illustrations throughout that add to the text, this book is sure to be a hit with primary aged children, in particular boys.' - Dale Harcombe, Aussie Reviews.