The Cupcake Diaries Series

by Coco Simon (Author)

Book Cover for the Cupcake Diaries Series
Reading level: Ages 8 and up
Books in series: 34
Read in order: No
Tags: girls  friendship  comedy & humour  realistic fiction  school  cooking & baking 

Sometimes starting from scratch turns out to be the icing on the cupcake... It's Katie Brown's first day at a new school and she's already feeling miserable. Her best friend Callie has been invited to join the Popular Girls Club and Katie's been left out in the cold. Is their an Unpopular Girls Club she can join?

The only thing that makes Katie feel better is the special cupcake her mum packed for her lunch, just biting into the sweet treat stops her feeling so sad. And even better, the delicious looking cupcake attracts three other girls who are also feeling a bit lost at the new school. And as the girls' friendship grows they decide to start their very own cupcake club - sharing and making their own special recipes!

This sweet series of chapter book is perfect for girls aged eight and up! Addressing universal school-age concerns such as popularity and the desire to fit in, these books provide a positive message about being true to yourself. 
'The Cupcake Diaries' will also appeal to girls with an interest in cooking, as mouth-watering recipes for the girls' cupcake creations are provided within.