The Silver Key Series

by N.J. Cameron (Author)

Book Cover for the Silver Key Series
Reading level: Ages 6 and up
Books in series: 2
Read in order: Yes
Next book: Finished
Tags: action  adventure  fantasy  mystery  first chapter books 

Max Moon is not happy about having to spend his school holidays in boring old Holmestown. But when he finds a strange silver key, clues are uncovered and an exciting adventure begins!

What is the mystery surrounding Grandpa Denny? What secrets will Max, his sister Bea and their new friend Corky discover on the farm? And is Max Moon set to become the world's newest superhero?

A captivating and imaginative superhero adventure series for boys and girls aged 6 and up, perfect for reluctant readers or as an introduction to short chapter books.

Silver Key Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. The Beginning  (2010)
2. The Guardians of the Key  (2012)