The Little Princesses Series

by Katie Chase (Author) Leighton Noyes (Illustrator)

Book Cover for the Little Princesses Series
Reading level: Ages 7 and up
Books in series: 12
Read in order: No
Next book: Finished
Tags: culture  adventure  royalty  magic  girls  illustrated 

Rosie knows a very special secret. Hidden in her great-aunt's mysterious Scottish castle are lots of little princesses for her to find. And each one will whisk her away to another part of the world on a magical adventure!

Little Princesses Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. The Whispering Princess  (2006)
2. The Fairytale Princess  (2006)
3. The Peach Blossom Princess  (2006)
4. The Rain Princess  (2006)
5. The Snowflake Princess  (2006)
6. The Dream-Catcher Princess  (2006)
7. The Desert Princess  (2006)
8. The Lullaby Princess  (2006)
9. The Silk Princess  (2007)
10. The Cloud Princess  (2007)
11. The Sea Princess  (2007)
12. The Golden Princess  (2007)