The Seekers: Manga (Graphic Novel) Series

by Dan Jolley (Author) Erin Hunter (Creator) Bettina M. Kurkoski (Illustrator)

Book Cover for the Seekers: Manga (Graphic Novel) Series
Reading level: Ages 8 and up
Books in series: 2
Read in order: No
Next book: Finished
Tags: animal  adventure  fantasy  nature  graphic novel 

This series is a companion series to the Seekers with stories in manga-style, graphic novel format.

The first book is Toklo's Story; while the second Kallik's Adventure, features Kallik. Unfortunately, publication of the third book (due to be titled Lusa's Tale) was cancelled and the series abandoned due to the publishing company's North American closure in 2011.

Seekers: Manga (Graphic Novel) Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. Toklo's Story  (2010)
2. Kallik's Adventure  (2011)