The Seeds of America Series

by Laurie Halse Anderson (Author)

Book Cover for the Seeds of America Series
Reading level: Ages 11 and up
Books in series: 3
Read in order: Yes
Next book: Finished
Tags: realistic fiction  culture  friendship  historical 

Set in 1776, against the backdrop of the American struggle for independence, this powerful series is also an incredible adventure about one girl’s struggle for freedom in a society in which she is considered someone else's property.

Isabel and her sister, Ruth, are slaves. Sold from one owner to the next, they arrive in New York as the Americans are fighting for their independence, and the English are struggling to maintain control. Soon Isabel is struggling too. Struggling to keep herself and her sister safe in a world in which they have no control.

Seeds of America Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. Chains  (2008)
2. Forge  (2010)
3. Ashes  (2016)