The Time Slip Series

by Belinda Murrell (Author)

Book Cover for the Time Slip Series
Reading level: Ages 9 and up
Books in series: 7
Read in order: No
Next book: Finished
Tags: historical  time travel  adventure  culture  family 

This series of time-travel adventure stories is perfect for girls aged 11+ with a passion for history and culture. Each novel features new characters in a different place and time: from the French revolution of 1789 to 19th century Scotland and colonial Australia, various historical periods and cultures are explored.

Belinda Murrell's Time Slip series provides readers with an opportunity to see life through the eyes of five young girls in five very different eras of modern history. The author's extensive historical research lends these page-turning tales authenticity, while the characters remain vivid and their adventures engrossing.

Older readers who have enjoyed the Our Australian Girl series, but are searching for something more challenging will find what they're looking for in Belinda Murrell's Time Slip novels. 

Time Slip Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. The Locket of Dreams  (2009)
2. The Ruby Talisman  (2010)
3. The Ivory Rose  (2011)
4. The Forgotten Pearl  (2012)
5. The River Charm  (2013)
6. The Sequin Star  (2014)
7. The Lost Sapphire  (2016)