The Lost Sapphire

by Belinda Murrell (Author)

Book Cover for The Lost Sapphire

   Book 7   
Pages: 320

Marli is staying with her dad in Melbourne, and missing her friends. Then she discovers a mystery – a crumbling, abandoned mansion is to be returned to her family after ninety years. Marli sneaks into the locked garden to explore, and meets Luca, a boy who has his own connection to Riversleigh.

A peacock hatbox, a box camera and a key on a velvet ribbon provide clues to what happened long ago...

In 1922, Violet is fifteen. Her life is one of privilege, with boating parties, picnics and extravagant balls. An army of servants looks after the family – including new chauffeur Nikolai Petrovich, a young Russian émigré.

Over one summer, Violet must decide what is important to her. Who will her sister choose to marry? What will Violet learn about Melbourne's slums as she defies her father's orders to help a friend? And what breathtaking secret is Nikolai hiding? Violet is determined to control her future. But what will be the price of her rebellion?

Time Slip Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Time Slip
Reading level: 9+
Books in series: 7
Read in order? No
Next release: Finished
Tags: historical  time travel  adventure  culture  family 

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Books in series order

1.   The Locket of Dreams  (2009)
2.   The Ruby Talisman  (2010)
3.   The Ivory Rose  (2011)
4.   The Forgotten Pearl  (2012)
5.   The River Charm  (2013)
6.   The Sequin Star  (2014)
7.   The Lost Sapphire  (2016)