The Conspiracy

by Katherine Applegate (Author)

Book Cover for The Conspiracy

   Book 31   
Pages: 140

Jake's dad and brother Tom have left for a meeting of The Sharing, where Tom may force their dad into involuntary Yeerk infestation. Jake must save his father, but for the first time, his quick-thinking tactical mind freezes up . . . with everything at stake.

Animorphs Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Animorphs
Reading level: 8+
Books in series: 64
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: science fiction  fantasy  action  adventure  animal 

 Print series book list

Books in series order

1.   The Invasion  (1996)
2.   The Visitor  (1996)
3.   The Encounter  (1996)
4.   The Message  (1996)
5.   The Predator  (1996)
6.   The Capture  (1997)
7.   The Stranger  (1997)
8.   The Alien  (1997)
9.   The Secret  (1997)
10.   The Android  (1997)
11.   The Forgotten  (1997)
12.   The Reaction  (1997)
13.   The Change  (1997)
14.   The Unknown  (1998)
15.   The Escape  (1998)
16.   The Warning  (1998)
17.   The Underground  (1998)
18.   The Decision  (1998)
19.   The Departure  (1998)
20.   The Discovery  (1998)
21.   The Threat  (1998)
22.   The Solution  (1998)
23.   The Pretender  (1998)
24.   The Suspicion  (1998)
25.   The Extreme  (1999)
26.   The Attack  (1996)
27.   The Exposed  (1999)
28.   The Experiment  (1999)
29.   The Sickness  (1999)
30.   The Reunion  (1999)
31.   The Conspiracy  (1999)
32.   The Separation  (1999)
33.   The Illusion  (1999)
34.   The Prophecy  (1999)
35.   The Proposal  (1999)
36.   The Mutation  (1999)
37.   The Weakness  (1999)
38.   The Arrival  (2000)
39.   The Hidden  (2000)
40.   The Other  (2000)
41.   The Familiar  (2000)
42.   The Journey  (2000)
43.   The Test  (2000)
44.   The Unexpected  (2000)
45.   The Revelation  (2000)
46.   The Deception  (2000)
47.   The Resistance  (2000)
48.   The Return  (2000)
49.   The Diversion  (2000)
50.   The Ultimate  (2001)
51.   The Absolute  (2001)
52.   The Sacrifice  (2001)
53.   The Answer  (2001)
54.   The Beginning  (2001)
+   Animorphs Chronicles: The Andalite Chronicles  (1997)
+   Animorphs Chronicles: The Hork-Bajir Chronicles  (1998)
+   Animorphs Chronicles: Visser  (1998)
+   Animorphs Chronicles: The Ellimist Chronicles  (2000)
+   Megamorphs: The Andalite's Gift  (1997)
+   Megamorphs: In the Time of Dinosaurs  (1998)
+   Megamorphs: Elfangor's Secret  (1999)
+   Megamorphs: Back to Before  (2000)
+   Alternamorphs: The First Journey  (1999)
+   Alternamorphs: The Next Passage  (2000)