The Oracle

by Catherine Fisher (Author)

Book Cover for The Oracle

   Book 1   
Pages: 372

In the distant land of deserts and islands, the servants of the god rule the land, his wishes conveyed through the Oracle and interpreted by the High Priestess. Mirany is the new Bearer, afraid of her perilous duties for the god in the rituals of the Oracle, and fearful of her secret questioning ... Does the god truly exist?

The priestess is corrupt and in secret partnership with the General, ruler, since the God-on-Earth, the Archon, has no real power - chosen as a child, his face always masked, never seen by outsiders. Should any national tragedy occur, he is also the sacrifice. When the old Archon dies, his spirit migrates into a child, and there are several candidates for succession. But Mirany begins to experience the real visions of the god, discovers which child is the rightful heir, and that the General and High Priestess intend to choose another child and seize power. With only a tomb-robbing scribe and a mad musician for allies, Mirany begins her quest - knowing that, if she is betrayed, her fate will be to be walled up alive in the Archon's tomb ...

Note: This book has also been published with the title, 'The Oracle Betrayed'.

Recognition: Shortlisted for the Whitbread Award

Oracle Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Oracle
Reading level: 11+
Books in series: 3
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: myth & legend  action  mystery  religion 

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Books in series order

1.   The Oracle  (2003)
2.   The Archon  (2004)
3.   The Scarab  (2005)