
by Sean Williams (Author)

Book Cover for Jump

   Book 1   
Pages: 352

You can be Improved.

In a near-future world in which technology can transport you anywhere instantly, can a coded note enable you to change your body—to become taller, stronger, more beautiful? Clair is pretty sure the offer is too good to be true. But her best friend, Libby, is determined to give it a try, longing for a new, improved version of herself.

What starts as Libby’s dream turns into Clair’s nightmare when Libby falls foul of a deadly trap. With the help of Jesse, the school freak, and a mysterious—but powerful—stranger called Q, Clair’s attempt to protect Libby leads her to an unimagined world of conspiracies and cover-ups. Soon her own life is at risk, and Clair is chased across the world in a desperate race against time.

Action and danger fuel Sean Williams’ tale of technology, identity, and the lengths to which one girl will go to save her best friend.

Please note: This book has been published in the United States under the title Twinmaker.

Twinmaker Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Twinmaker
Reading level: 14+
Books in series: 4
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: science fiction  dystopian  action  suspense  friendship  science & tech (STEM) 

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Books in series order

1.   Jump  (2013)
2.   Crash  (2014)
3.   Fall  (2015)
+   Redux  (2015)